19 Oct 2014

Medicinal effect of garlic in heart patients.

Medicinal effects of Garlic (Allium sativum) is known from the ancient days itself. It is used for treatment and prevention of many disease. Heart attack patients get several benefits with garlic intake. 

Active ingredient is Allicin which is an odorous sulfurous compound that has several medicinal effect. Following are the benefit of Garlic in heart attack patients. The main abnormality in blood vessels in heart attack patients is atherosclerosis. 
  • It helps to reduce the blood clotting. It produce irreversible inhibition of platelet aggregation ,which is a blood component. Major action of drugs given in heart attack patients is to inhibit the platelet, which is responsible for blood clotting.
  • Reduction of cholesterol and triglycerides levels which is responsible for formation of atherosclerosis and plaque in blood vessels leading to reduction in blood supply.Several studies showed 9 to 12% reduction in cholesterol and moderate reduction of triglycerides levels with its use.
  • Help to reduce blood pressure which is also a risk factor for heart attack .There will be an average reduction of 11mm of Hg in systolic and 6.5 mm of Hg diastolic blood pressure.
  • Garlic has anti atherosclerosis action,which help to reduce the formation of new atherosclerosis lesion and prevent the progression of older lesions.
Garlic is available as fresh cloves, powders, extract, tablets. At least one-half garlic clove per day  is required for medicinal effects.Although the tablets and powders are convenient, the amount of active ingredient is insufficient.

Some people may experience gut (gastrointestinal system ) symptoms such as flatulence(gas), chest pain and abdominal pain after garlic intake.

How to avoid pregnancy after unprotected sex ?

Even though there are different effective contraceptive methods 50% of birth occurring in United States are due to unintended pregnancy. Teenage pregnancy is a major public health problem occurrence around 1 million unintended pregnancy each year ,this is very high compared to other developed nations. The term emergency contraception means the various methods used to prevent the pregnancy after unsafe sex.

After unprotected sex without regard to time of month there is about 8%chance of getting pregnant, this can be decreased to 2% by the use of pills.

Time - This tablets should be taken within 72 hour of unprotected sex.

Recommended tablets
  1. Ovral.    2 tablets 12 hours apart
  2. Lo/Ovral 4 tablets 12 hours apart
  3. Preven(50mg ethinyl estrdiol and 0.25mg levonorgestrel)
  4. levonorgestrel (0.75mg) 

The above drugs are available for women more than 17 yrs.
  1. Levonorgestrel containing tablets are associated with fewer side effects and are more effective than estrogen and progesterone containing tablets.
  2. Ulipristal acetate is also approved for avoiding pregnancy after unsafe sex.This tablet give protection up to 5 days.
  3. Intrauterine contraceptive device IUCD if used within 5 days also give protection from pregnancy.

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